about june. twenty seventh. quitting, an abandoned house & "the most beautiful place in Europe"

A few times during this hike I were actually thinking about quitting. I asked myself why I were out there alone, especially on my birthday. Why didn’t I celebrate it with my friends? Why do I wanna spend so much time alone? What am I trying to hide from? What am I trying to avoid? At one point I said to myself that I need to spend more time with people, I need to talk more to people, so I almost decided that in the end of that day I would call my friend and ask her to pick me up. But then just a few minutes later I arrived to a magical lake, went for a swim and were sitting there just thinking again. And I realised the reason why I am alone out in the nature so much. There is few times in my life where I feel a strong connection to people, when I feel that someone understand me and the way I think. I do have really good friends that I love spending time with, to have conversations with, to talk about life with. But even how long you have known each other for, even how much you have to talk about, even if you know you can talk with them about absolutely everything, after I while I just feel like I wanna be alone. Being in the nature gives me a freedom where I don’t have to think about anything, I can just be. Just breathe, relax. Just sit and stare and let thoughts and feelings flow through my body. I have always had problems with just sitting still, to concentrate on a movie, or a teacher in school, but in the nature I can sit and just stare at a mountain or the water or whatever for hours, without feeling I have to be somewhere else. I feel peace inside. I feel like I belong. That the nature understand me without having to explain myself.


This day I walked past an abandon house, out in absolutely nowhere. First I didn’t even really see it cause the trees had grown around and where kind of hiding it. I got so curious about the people who had lived like this, when did they live here, what did they do, who were they? But I could totally understand why they were living so far away from society. I didn’t even see a road anywhere around, only the little path I was walking on. There were still things inside of the house and I just wanted to take off my backpack and spend hours in there trying to understand the life they were living. I found a newspaper on the floor from the 9th of December 1978 and I was wondering if that was the time they abandoned the house. Are they maybe still alive? I was surprised how I house could just be left like this without anyone taking care of it. So many questions in my head, and no answers. 


Every day when I were planning my route and where to end up for the day it was important to know where I could find a lake, to go for a swim or in the end of the day put up my tent next to it. Today was probably the warmest day during my hike, and I was so hot, tired and sweaty and just wanted to cool down my body after been walking for hours. I were looking at the map and saw a lake that wouldn't be too far away and continued walking. After a while I was reading the map again to find out where I was, and realised I had passed it a while ago, annoying. I continued and were walking through such a cute little village, every house had its own name, and there were lovely gardens and horses and just like an own world there. I wanted to move in to every house I saw! Then my feet told me they refused to take one more step and that I needed a break, so I found a little bit of shade under a tree on the grass, were laying down and fell asleep.


I had a little plan of where I wanted to stay the night tonight, I had seen a lake on the map were I thought would be good, and where it would be possible to see the sunrise the next morning. I was walking around trying to find a way to get down to the lake but it was impossible. So after a while I decided to knock on the door at a yellow house next to the road and ask if it was possible to get down to the lake and if I was allowed to put up my tent there. The guy who opened were such a nice guy and told me about how he had been hiking in places like Grand Canyon, Italy, north of Sweden and a lot of other places I don’t even remember now. His next destination were Peru. I asked him about the lake, and instead he recommended me to continue walking a little bit further where I would arrive to another lake, where it was a shelter to sleep in. And he said “That is the most beautiful place in Europe, and I have been to places!”. I were laughing for myself, but took his advice, said thanks and kept on walking. I arrived when the sun was just about to set and again I was sitting on a rock and did just absorb the energy and beauty from the universe. When the sun had set there were still this layer of colours just above the horizon that kept on lighten up the sky. I got into my sleeping bag in the shelter but I just didn't want to fall asleep, I couldn’t stop looking at the incredible sky. After a while I fell asleep, but a few hours later I woke up in the middle of the night, and then there was a big beautiful full moon, and the sky had still this layer of colours above the horizon and it was still so bright outside from the light of the full moon. I am so grateful I knocked on that door and met that guy, because honestly just like he said, this place is one of the most magical places I have been to in the world! 


about june. twenty-sixth. blisters, thoughts & a forgotten passion.


After a long good sleep I felt ready for this day. I decided to try to start to walk as soon as possible because I knew I had to walk at least 20 km today. My blisters on my toes were getting worse, so after maybe an hour I sat down to try to put different kind of band aid to make it feel better. Thank God for all these special plasters that gives you an extra layer of skin to survive times like this. I wouldn't say that my blisters were bad, but it just makes tramping a little bit easier when you can use your feet as normal. 20 km every day just seems a little bit longer and takes a little bit more time than you expect. Enough complaining, and back to important things. It’s just typical me to always write too many details about everything, too many thoughts in my head that needs to get out.


Before I started this hike I was planning on writing down everything I was thinking and feeling while I was out there. To sit down every now and then and write a few words to remember what I was feeling at that moment. But I tried a few times, and it just didn’t work, it was always too many thoughts floating around in my head, so it was impossible to try to write them down. And I have realised that the best way for me to sort out my thoughts are to just sit down in silence afterwards and think through what was going on inside of me, and then write it down. Just like I am doing right now. To come home and understand why I were feeling a certain way. To reflect over a feeling or thought and progress it when writing it down. I understand myself more when I can write everything down, so I am able to read it as well. Or maybe I think I am feeling a certain way, but when I write it down it doesn’t look right, and I have to think about it a little bit more and can realise something totally different.  

I was also thinking of writing more about the scenery around me, all the beautiful places I saw. But for me it’s not interesting to write about what I see on the outside if it doesn't make me feel anything on the inside. I wanna tell you about how everything in the nature gives me so much inside of me. The freedom of just letting myself think and feel without any distraction from things around me. To be totally relaxed and just listen to the sound of the nature and not be scared of what is going on inside of my head. Something I think is the biggest fear for most people these days, to be alone in a quiet place, because the only thing you can hear are your thoughts, and we don’t know how to handle it. And instead of trying to understand them we distract our selves to not have to deal with it. I could write about this forever. But for now it’s enough, I wanna say some more things about this day without writing too much in this post.



I was starting to get hungry and wanted to find a nice spot to sit down. I walked on a little road full of beautiful & colourful flowers on the roadside. Further down this road I saw an old white church on the left side. I was really hoping it would be open, because there’s something special with these old churches for me, it just gives me a calming feeling when I step into them. When I got closer I found that the door were open and it made me so happy. It was actually nothing really special about this one when I just saw it on the inside. But then I started to sing out loud, and the acoustics were just incredible! Then I saw a piano and that got me so excited, so I took of my backpack and sat down by the piano and started to play and sing. It created a feeling inside of me that I can’t even describe. I was so full of happiness in every little part of my body to hear my own voice and what I could do with it with an acoustic like this. My voice were so much bigger and I could do things I had forgotten about cause I haven’t been singing like this in such a long time. Music is definitely one of the most important things in my life, and I do wish I were spending more time playing. I sing all the time, everywhere I go, but I rarely really get into it nowadays and spend hours of just playing guitar or piano and singing. This moment reminded me about how much I love music. Sometimes I forget about the passions I already have in my life cause I am constantly trying to find new things to do to grow as a human. To find new passions and learn about more things in life, to try everything, and then the old passions kind of get forgotten. So this moment in the church were very special and important for me.

Some more hours of walking through the deep magical forest. A break by a peaceful lake for a swim and some reading. I reached the perfect spot by a lake to put up my tent for the night & made myself some dinner. And as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon and made the sky colourful, I was laying down on a jetty reflecting over how much beauty this day had made me feel.


about june twenty-fifth. my birthday

3.55 am and my alarm woke me up. Wanted to begin my birthday in the best possible way, with the sunrise over the lake. When I got out from my tent I was surrounded by a mysterious fog, over the ground and over the water. It was a little bit chilly so I brought my sleeping bag with me and were sitting down next to a tree. Got into my sleeping bag again and got really cosy, ready for the magic of Mother Nature. The sunrise is something that’s very important and special for me. To get up really early, before the world is awake. To tiptoe around and have a special feeling inside me that something incredible is about to happen. To find the perfect spot to sit down, get into a relaxing mood and then just let the magic happen. To see the sun slowly rise over the horizon and bring life and colours to every little part of the world. And when I feel the first ray of the sun in my face I feel blessed to have another day in paradise. New opportunities to create my day exactly how I want it. A new day to love, and to be loved. 

Since it was my birthday I wanted to just take it easy the whole morning. I didn’t have a watch to see the time for my whole trip. (except this morning cause I really wanted to get up for the sunrise, other than that my phone was off the whole time) It didn’t matter what time it was anyway. The time was Now all the time. I was listening to my body and what was feeling right for the moment. After the sunrise I was still kinda tired so I fell asleep there next to the tree for some more hours. It was a beautiful morning, so when I woke up again I jumped in the water for a long swim, perfect way to wake up your body. I think I spent a few hours just sitting on a rock next to the water reading, writing or just enjoy the sun on my skin. Made myself some breakfast, always oats of course. One of the best things about Sweden in the summer is all the berries that grows wild out in the forest. And during this hike I was surrounded by blueberries, they were everywhere! So this morning I picked some for my breakfast, and the rest of the hike I could just pick them as a little snack while walking. After my breakfast I started to pack my bag and got ready to start walking again.

Another thing I did enjoy was how every time I needed drinking water I had to go and knock on people’s doors and ask if I could refill my water bottles there. The trail went through small villages every now and then, and they all looked so magical and idyllic with small red & cute houses, typical for Sweden, and especially the area where this trail goes, which is very close to where I grew up and where I live right now. Since I was running out of water my next mission of the day was to find the cutest house with some nice people. I was knocking at two different houses, but no one was home. Third time lucky, I got to a house with a lady sitting on a chair in her garden drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I asked if I could get some water, and she invited me in to the house and also offered me some rhubarb juice. She had no idea how happy that offer made me. Rhubarb juice is definitely one of my favourite things in life. Every summer since I was a little kid my mum has made the most delicious rhubarb juice in the world. That one together with her strawberry cake is almost too much for my body to handle, and that’s the time in life when you feel like you are ready to die, cause your body is so happy!
I was sitting down with the woman and her husband drinking my juice and they asked me about the hike and I showed my map and told them about my plans. They told me about their kids who was in the same age as me and also had been travelling around the world a lot. It was interesting to hear what parents are thinking & feeling when their kids are away on adventures all over the world. To constantly be worried that something would happen to their kids but at the same time support them and give them the freedom to do every kind of crazy shit, because they also know how it is to be young and curious about exploring the world. I am so lucky to have such incredible parents who always let me do whatever I want and to just go my own path. They might not always agree with my way of living, but they have never stopped me from doing anything I want, because they know I have to do it to be happy. So I am lucky they rather see me happy for doing what I want, than to force me do something they want and expect from me to make them happy.



I was walking for a few more hours until I found a nice lake where I could put up my tent. After my dinner I was sitting on a rock reading for a while, it was very cloudy this evening, so no sun to warm me up even tho it was about to set over the lake. I was in bed before the sun set properly because I knew tomorrow would be a long day of walking.

Taggar: hiking, nature, sweden, universe;